
Sunday, April 13, 2014

Bouncing Around

Lately I have been bouncing around a lot lately in my creative making.
Here are two more collage and scribble pieces I created. 

I really enjoyed creating these.... 
but I seem to enjoy creating many things, 
and sometimes wonder if I need to focus my creation making more
so I am not bouncing around so much. 


  1. These are lovely ,Kim, I particularly like the increase in the use of collage pieces along side your beautiful birds.

  2. I ask myself that question often...but really when I see your work I know it is made by you- your overall style always shows through- like a linking thread....and isn't that steady...

  3. What's wrong with bouncing? Great things come from bouncing minds, and you're proof of that. So I say here's to your exquisite bouncing!

  4. I ditto Robin... what is wrong with bouncing...? why can't we create whatever we want? love your work...

  5. Lovely pieces Kim. My husband reckons I'd be a 'star' (whatever that is) if only I'd concentrate on ONE thing. Not likely....I LOVE lots of different techniques and mediums.

  6. Well aren't those adorable! Almost as cute as you :) Love you mama
