
Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Dreaming of Flowers

Winter is long in my part of the world,
and it will be a long time before we have any flowers blooming. 

I have been missing them.
So I found a photograph I had taken 
of some wild roses covered in snow
and made a little display of them. 

flowers in the winter
are now not only in my dreams.


  1. Stunning, - I absolutely love this, great design and just a truly beautiful card!!

  2. lovely and the colours are great! cant wait for the flowers and roses in my garden to come back x

  3. I love the contrast of the subtle colours and the flash of red. Beautiful

  4. Just as beautiful as the real thing. Gorgeous Kim!

  5. My heart melts like the snow when viewing your art piece Kim. Do you have any essential oils? If you had a burner (contraption that holds water in a bowl at the top and a tea light candle at the bottom and you pour in a few drops of essential oil right into the water, and when the water heats up from the candle, it releases the scent of the oil.) Rose is a particularly strong scent. That combined with your art piece here, and I know I'd be in a divine realm instantly!!!!
    Thank you for your words on my blog and my dear I used your book e-x-a-c-t-l-y as the model for the design of the little accordion fold book with covers. I didn't know how to do covers so I just followed your book to the best of my ability. Mine will never be as nice as yours and that is fine as we all do our own art hey? Do you remember awhile back when we traded little books? That one you gave me is what I'm referring to. In any event I am slowly making another one and taking notes for construction so that I can get some quality control and won't have to think too too much for when I make more. Which I plan on doing.
    See you again dear friend. N, xo

  6. Such a lovely reminder - may spring and flowers and sunshine come your way soon.
