
Saturday, April 19, 2014

E m b e l l i s h

I created a small book out of watercolour paper 
that I wanted to add small embellishments to

The book seems to explode 
when I remove its small wrap around cover

Each page has a small embellishment on, 
and I have shared a few of them here.

( Opps - a dirty thumbnail -  I was soldering some jewelry right before I took these photos)


  1. This is very nice. Its the simplicity that makes it so beautiful . Just a branch or one cool piece of paper. I LOVE IT!!

  2. Love the simplicity and the colours of this.

  3. Adorable! (And you're not a REAL artist without dirty fingernails! It's a rule!)

  4. just too lovely...dirty thumbnail and all!

  5. oh I just adore this very beautiful...

  6. What a good idea Kim. I would like to sit and peruse the whole little volume.

  7. Very special - I am heading OS later this year and thinking of taking some of this style of thing with me in my pack bag so I can sketch on them as well - no weight and lots of fun - but I love your embellishments!! Cheers thanks for sharing them!!

  8. Love these little books Kim. I am hoping to find time to make a whole series of tiny treasures to keep for myself ... never seems to be enough time. Really love your small embellishments. Perfect for the book - like little pocket secrets.

  9. Very, very nice... love the embellishments, like little jewels...
