
Tuesday, July 15, 2014

A Grand Adventure

My daughter has been talking about doing this hike the past week or so.
So even though I knew it would be a long one, I asked if I could join her. 
And off we went for a grand adventure. 

First of all I should tell you this trip follows a bit of a beaten path in places,
 and a well marked trail for a few kilometers, 
but the toughest sections you are really on your own for. 
We started by spending about 3 hours climbing straight up from the highway you can see far below.
And with my fear of heights this had some challenging and difficult moments for me. 

When we reached the top the view was spectacular 
in all directions.

And we rested for a bit.
This image looks very still - but in real life the wind was howling all around us. 

There were numerous alpine flowers

the colours in the lake were spectacular

and beautiful patterns filled our camera frame.

The mountains go in all directions for mile after mile,

and are home to many Dall Sheep.

Some of which got a little too close. 

We followed the little beaten trail 
along the mountain top

many feet up above the valley floor. 

for mile after mile, until we eventually made it down again. 

Time - 8 hours 
Distance - 16 kms/10 miles
Elevation Gain -  1312metres/4300 ft
Aching Muscles - Many
Adventure - A Grand One!


  1. WOW. how absolutely gorgeous. this is dreamland. x

  2. How fantastic Kim, your post has really made my day today, seeing all those photos were exhilarating. I'm not a walker but living here in Wales it's something i've been thinking about in my older age. Your photos have really inspired me, thank you and well done to you and your daughter xx

  3. WOW, Kim, when you said climbing up you meant it! My gosh the views are spectacular. Well done!
    How are the aching muscles now? Happy week to you. xo

    1. The aching muscles are almost better, but unfortunately we forgot our sunscreen, and my poor red headed daughter is still suffering from a mean sunburn. Happy week to you too - I hope to get some creating done, but the day job is gobbling up my time :-)

  4. whoa! elevation gain 4300'!! my legs feel that just reading about it! but wow, what views... there's less snow on the peaks than i thought there would be. but so beautiful!

    thank you for sharing this, kim...


  5. So happy that I could sit at my computer and watch this climbing feat... while I love hiking, this would be way too much for me! But your photos are just spectacular, thank you!

  6. Gorgeous. That has got to be worth every ache and pain.

  7. LOVE the photos! I'm glad you both were able to make time in your busy schedules, looks like it was a fantastic day together!

  8. WOW! You live in an amazing part of the world! (and congrats on a hike well done!)

  9. How I envy you - this must have been wonderful ... and those photos ... they're are amazing. They make me long to see the west coast again ...

  10. Gosh Kim, you live in a fantastic corner of the ol' globe. I love to hike as well. Not too many hikes here in our part of England, more like meandering walks beside rivers, but loads in Vancouver. I also love to be in the alpines with my daughters. Hope your summer is wonderfully warm and sunny. :D

  11. Oh, what great beauty you saw on your climb! thanks for taking us along for the hike!

  12. Excellent recap of your awesome day!

  13. just watched an amazing documentary on olaus and mardy and their fight for the alaskan wilderness. these photographs remind me so so much of all the views in the documentary. olaus kept a wilderness sketchbook and your birds remind me of his love for the natural world. keep up the wonderful art, loved visiting via lynne hoppe.

  14. WOW Kim...this is a dream hike in my book. Congratulations to you and your daughter for completing it! Beautiful!!!!!
