
Sunday, November 9, 2014

Book Binge II

I am still busy making hard covered books

But these one are much smaller in size then the ones I showed last week. 

I still used water colour paper for the pages
as this makes the pages able to support a variety of techniques.

I decorated the covers with some layers of stamps
some paint - some bits of paper
and a final decorative layer of my hand carved stamps.

Four more items to add to my 'completed' pile
 for the upcoming sales I am attending.

(unfortunately the uncompleted pile is still very very big - so much to do, so little time!)


  1. Oh my, these are so very beautiful! <3

  2. It's addicting, isn't it? These are lovely and a wonderful size. Just right for tucking in a purse or pocket!

  3. These are lovely ... Just made for a pocket and to inspire beautiful drawings.

  4. I think you have made some lovely little books... I am sure they are fun and creative to make.

  5. Your work looks wonderful. I love your designs.
    Thanks for sharing Anneke
