
Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Almost There

In less then a month my oldest daughter Savannah
heads out on her grand adventure.
She is going to Africa to ride her bicycle from Cairo, Egypt to Capetown, South Africa.
12,000 kilometres of riding in four months!

As part of this adventure she has been raising money that will purchase bicycles 
for health care and community service workers in Africa. 

Her goal was to raise enough funds 
to purchase 10 bicycles -  one for each country she travels through. 

I am really pleased to say she is so very close to this goal,
and I am positive she will make it 
before she leaves!

Savannah has worked hard fundraising, and I am happy that I was also able to help.

I want to thank everyone who has bought items from me that went to this cause
and to those that donated directly through her blog

It  is really appreciated. 

Way back in the spring when she told me about this planned adventure.
I carved a bicycle stamp and started making cards 
which were sold to fund raise for the bicycles that will be donated.

I am so very pleased to say we sold about 100 cards!

To assist her in her final fundraising,
I will be donating all proceeds
 from the sale of the last few bike stamped items in my Etsy shop
AND  50% of all proceeds from  any other sales until December 20
AND I am having a sale (until Dec. 20)....
Everything in my Etsy shop is 15% OFF the listed price if you entire the following code. 


If you want to learn more about her adventure as she travels you can follow her blog here

Thanks Again!


  1. YAY! Glad to hear the fundraising is going so well! Bon voyage and safe trip to your daughter for doing this extraordinary and giving trip!

  2. what a bloody amazing thing to do ...very courageous and worthwhile ......and love your bicycle stamps too .....
