
Sunday, January 18, 2015


This is an accordion book I made about a year ago.
I like the inside view..... I just never liked the cover.

Here you can see the old cover - the bird looking too dark and frightening. 

And so I fixed it ..... finally.

Now the whole book makes me happy. 

I have also been continuing on with my drawing/painting work
for the Sketchbookery online course I am taking with Mary Ann Moss. 

Most people are on the beginning of the 4th and final week
but I am still working on week 1 and slowly moving into week 2.
I have access to it for a whole year, and it may just take me that long to get through it!


  1. I love all of your drawings/paintings - they are all so lovely!

  2. I never would've thought to change the cover but the lighter bird does look better - it is your artist's eye! Gorgeous!

  3. I love ALL you books, they are/were both lovely! ;) I'm also really liking your Sketchbookery sketches. Especially the chair!

  4. Your books are all so beautiful, but I agree the bird now looks better although he didn't look bad in the first place. I should have known about this course earlier, I would have done it too, because I like to doing more in my sketchbook - well maybe next time. So far I like would your did, take your time!
    barbara bee

  5. Your book cover is beautiful, Kim. All your work is. You have a strong sensitive way of painting.
    I hope you are enjoying warmer days. Happy week to you. xo

  6. i do like your handwriting , it complements your fine sketches beautifully.

    yes!! to the lighter bird :)

  7. Yes, I like your writing as well and have meant to comment on it for awhile, and so I second Renilde's comment here. What comes from your hand all just goes together. So beautifully. Personally, I think it takes willpower and/or guts to go back to rework an art piece. Good for you. It is improved. N, x :)

  8. These are wonderful!!!

    Take your time, what I have learned from online workshops, there's only pressure when we put it there:)

    You are a marvel:)))

  9. Hi Kim.
    The next Drawing Challenge is at

    1. oops that didn't work very well it's at:
