
Saturday, April 4, 2015

Onion Skin Easter Eggs

My favourite way to decorate Easter eggs
is to wrap them in onion skins before cooking them.

The designs and colours that are created are always beautiful

Each one so unique 
and containing some of my favourite colours. 

A few years back I wrote a post on how to make them.

Happy Easter - Happy Spring!


  1. Wow fascinating! They're beautiful! Happy Easter!

  2. Happy Easter Kim! *smiles* N, x

  3. Such a lovely natural idea - I have married into a family where coloured eggs are a tradition - but I manage without much effort to create black coloured ones (too many colours in the cooking water - I am told) so next year - this is the plan - onion skin ones - thanks so much for sharing!!

  4. Happy Easter Kim! I used to thus as a cold. We called them pace eggs. Infact I tried this method on fabric last week but unfortunately it just looked like I had spilt some tea on it! Perhaps I should have used silk.

  5. Sorry that should have read 'child' :)

  6. Those are beautiful! I'll have to try that sometime

  7. Beautiful! Eggs are exquisite in their shape and their purpose, alone, but to do what you've done here... it's true artistry!
