
Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Storytelling with Collage

 The wonderfully creative Roxanne Evans Stout 
has just announced that her new book
Storytelling with Collage 
is available for pre-orders here.

I have taken an online course with Roxanne,
and I know her book 
will be filled with beauty and wonder filled creations 
that she will share with us. 

I was thrilled when she asked me to make a piece for the book. 
Below is just a bit of what I created.  

I can't wait to see the book!


  1. Looks like a great book! Congrats to both of you!

  2. Congratulations, and I cannot wait to see this book and your work!!

  3. Kim! I am so excited to see this book myself. And the world will see your beautiful project in person... thank you again for being part of my dream and this amazing book...
    roxanne xox
