
Saturday, February 20, 2016

A Stack of Journals

Here are the journals that I have on the go. 
Actually the top one is full and I blogged about it not long ago.

The next one in the pile is a handmade book
I made a few years ago. 

 I decided to use it to stick bits of leftover pieces
that end up on my desk in
and then draw or paint or collage from there. 

The next book in the stack is one I have shared before
and I haven't added anything in it this year yet.... hopefully soon!

I have been taking an online class with Katie Kendrick
in which we used an old book to collage bits of paper to, 
and  then painted or collaged onto.

This is the final book of the stack.
I shared a few pages that I completed in it here 

All but one of these journals was started in 2016.
So many pages yet to fill..... so little creative time!


  1. Your work fascinates me. How pleasurable it must be to create these journals.

  2. These are beautiful to work in and things to treasure ...

  3. love all the different techniques that lend texture!

  4. Your books and journals are beautiful . I particularly like the second to the top!
    Such wonderful mementos , unique .
    Thank you for sharing ,
