
Monday, March 28, 2016

Paper, Pencil, Paint

I have been busy creating the past 3 days and finally finished this piece. 

It went through a number of stages before it was finished.....
below are some pictures at an early stage.


And here it is completed. 
The pages turned out curved 
because I decided to  glue heavy paper to the back of each page. 
 At first I was disappointed with that
but not anymore. 

It was a fun project, 
and I LOVE how the covers turned out. 

More play to come..... I hope!


  1. Such beautiful detail. Keep on playing.

  2. Such beautiful detail. Keep on playing.

  3. Beautiful. Just keep on looking
    Wonderful design. Thanks for showing, Anneke

  4. Gorgeous book Kim! And I also love the covers.

  5. It is really beautiful! (Don't remember how I found your blog, but saying *hi* now :)

  6. I also LOVE how the covers turned out, a-n-d the whole book dear! Beautiful. The colours. The design. The feeling it gives. Oh to hold it in my hands. I'm heading over to your etsy shop to see what might be there...I feel like treating myself today. Love your work, N, x

  7. hi kim! i'm hopping over to yours, because i found your wonderful message and thank you for this. yes, taking the time is of the essence, we must, we will. it is fun to find here your own trademark of collaging and drawing and bringing together tiny pearls, which actually urge us to pay attention to detail. lovely to find you at work. n♥

  8. Really nice work. Love your muted colours. I found my way here via The Altered Page - will keep following.
