
Friday, June 24, 2016

Bikes & Biking

My daughter was in a bike race last weekend - and I drove her support vehicle. 

It was a beautiful sunny day,
but the pictures do not tell the tale of the ever present head winds.

Besides the strong head winds, the hills were big and the miles were many.
She rode for 11 hours - and in my books she is a winner

I enjoyed riding with her as she prepared for this day, 
and with so much biking on the brain, 
bikes showed up in my creations

Then there was an old bike tube laying around the house
that also grabbed my attention.

So I used it to make covers for some small notebooks. 

This bike stamp I carved a few years ago has become one of my favourites, and tends to show up in lots of places!

But for now - it is a beautiful evening
 - so I am heading out for a bike ride!


  1. Yay for your daughter. And I love the 'bikes' in your work. Using the tube - so creative!

  2. Brilliant! Using the tube as covers! And WOW! Kudos to your daughter! That's a lot of miles fighting a head wind.

  3. Now THAT is the most ingenious repurposing I've ever seen! What an awesome mini book idea!
