
Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Work & Play

Finding a balance of work and play is important to me, 
and sometimes difficult to do. 

We own a small rustic styled shack on a few acres of land on the shores of this lake, 
and have spent many family hours there. 
But the shack was in desperate need of some work, 
so my hubby has been spending some time giving it some well deserved TLC.
I joined him this past weekend, and helped him where I could. 

I also spent some time at my outdoor table creating in my 
'For the Love of Play' journal.

While I was there I finished the page on the right (I think it is finished....) 

The other pages I am showing here I have worked on during the past couple of weeks. 

It was a perfect blend of work & play.


  1. What Judy said!!!! (I love the hats!) ♥♥♥♥

  2. Such wonderful faces and hats. Love the details and the dear bird too.
    How wonderful that you have a lake shack to spend time at.

  3. I'm so glad I found you via Etsy, your art is remarkable! I'm going to place a link on my own blog so I can visit often :)

  4. I'm so glad I found you via Etsy, your art is remarkable! I'm going to place a link on my own blog so I can visit often :)
