
Sunday, November 27, 2016

Little Cabin in the Woods

We recently spend a few days at our little cabin in the woods.
We spent lots of time doing wood work  - cutting and stacking firewood that is!

 But I also enjoyed the beauty of the trees. 

And the daylight hours continue to get shorter.

We have lots of wood ready for the winter, 
and I can't wait until we can spend some more days 
at our little cabin in the woods. 

Sunday, November 20, 2016


I continue to play with trees 
mixed with a variety of mediums....
acrylic paint, pastels, charcoal, graphite, ink, collage,
and whatever else is laying around on my desk. 

It is my favourite way to create.... or at least at the moment.

I then mounted them onto small wooden cradled panels.

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

The Long Version

I am keeping busy preparing for 
an upcoming local craft sale. 

A post or two ago, I shared some short necklaces I had made

and now I share the longer  versions  that can be worn 
3 different ways. 

As a long single strand or a shorter double stranded necklace,

or as a wrap style bracelet. 

Such fun to make, and fun to wear!

Sunday, November 6, 2016

End of Fall . . . . Beginning of Winter

I still seem to be creating with fall colours
even though the leaves have left the trees

and the fall colours are gone,
and winter colours are moving in.