
Sunday, November 27, 2016

Little Cabin in the Woods

We recently spend a few days at our little cabin in the woods.
We spent lots of time doing wood work  - cutting and stacking firewood that is!

 But I also enjoyed the beauty of the trees. 

And the daylight hours continue to get shorter.

We have lots of wood ready for the winter, 
and I can't wait until we can spend some more days 
at our little cabin in the woods. 


  1. Beautiful - but it looks sooooo cold!

    1. It really wasn't cold ....or at least for what we could have, and we were able to spend most of the day outside, or at least while it was light outside!

  2. Beautiful photos, and your header is lovely. :)

  3. That is a-DOR-able! (Could we see pictures of the inside??? Is it as cute inside?)Is it close to your big house? (Nosy aren't I, lol) The snow dusted tress look beautiful.

    1. Thanks Robin. It is small and homey,and has what we need inside. I will try to take some inside pictures next time we are up there. It is just over an hours drive from where we live, and when we drove up there last week, I think we saw two or three other vehicles on the road (which is the main highway in the area!) Pretty peaceful place.

  4. Again, as every year at this time I adore the snow pictures. Always perfect and brilliant and heart warming snow pictures. The colours at this time of year! Oh my. Thanks so much for showing us this beauty. Now, what strikes me most in this post, aside from the beauty of nature, is the siding on your cabin. I've never seen such fabulous work. Wood work that is. It's stunning. And the colour pops out from the winter surround. Lovely to see you again dear Kim. *big hugs* and *blowing kisses* N, x

  5. your trees are just stunning, thanks for winter, hard to come by in Florida..
