
Thursday, January 12, 2017

Side Tracked

Today I had every intention of finishing this project.

A journal making project that started about two weeks ago.

The covers progressed

And the spine and pages were supposed to be added today.

BUT..... I got side tracked

And a little concertina style book showed up instead. 

Hopefully I will get the journal bound tomorrow
......that is if I don't get side tracked by something else.


  1. Your journal will be beautiful, I hope you get to finish it.

  2. Oh, but the sidetracked moments are where the unexpectedly delightful things can happen. :) Love your work!

  3. Your color palette and choice of imagery is so appealing to my eye! Sidetracked or focused....please keep sharing your work as it is all delightful and refreshing!

  4. At least you got something done! I'm still procrastinating...... :( It's adorable, BTW! ♥♥♥♥

  5. I love getting sidetracked! and love those covers for your journal and the little concertina book turned out so lovely ... I also love your messy work floor!

  6. suddenly fallen in love with the concertina book, I like this way of binding so much. In summer I did one with fairy tales (word) and mixed patterns by change. I like the way you draw and your colours. Wonderful blog. Greetings from Eva.

  7. Those covers look wonderful, Kim, so inspiring. I wish I was able to get side tracked in such a way! :) Great work.
