
Monday, May 29, 2017

Layers of Paper

Slowly but steadily I have been working on these small collages. 
They are made using the hand decorated paper I showed a few posts ago, 
and were inspired by the little collage book in my last post. 

I haven't had too much time to create, 
so these came together slowly over the last number of weeks. 

They are quite small pieces . . . . .

that are mounted on 3" X 4" wooden boxes

Little pieces of torn paper - distressed and wrinkled 
layered with other pieces of decorated paper
and eventually secured with glue. 

I really enjoyed making these little collages,
so much so that there are some larger ones in the works.


  1. Will they be available to buy? I'd love to buy one... or three :)

    1. At the present time I don't have my online store set up. Also shipping costs from where I live (Northern Canada) are expensive, which adds a lot to the price. I am still interested in doing this in the future, but not able to at the moment.

  2. Absolutely beautiful! I am so drawn to your muted palette! ♥♥♥♥

  3. Just beautiful!!🥰

  4. These are so unique I just love them. Thanks for sharing ❤️
