
Sunday, November 5, 2017

Refillable Notebooks - Take 2

Here are two more refillable notebooks that I recently completed. 

The covers on these are much more complex than the last ones I posted about. 
These covers have layers of paper, fabric, collage, paint and wax
- that in the end makes a supple yet sturdy cover. 

Inside are a variety of pages - some decorated, some from old books and some plain. 

The pages can be removed from the book, and new pages inserted whenever needed.  
These books each hold 2 signatures of pages, so are thicker than the previous ones I made. 

The cover has a small flap on the right hand side 
that folds over the pages when the book is closed.  

Here you can see the entire cover - the front, the back and the flap  
 - now time for the pages. 

All ready to be written, drawn or glued into!


  1. Brilliant - do you sell them or if not give tutorials?

    1. I do sell them.... and I am thinking about putting together a tutorial. I will keep you posted! Thanks for your comment!

  2. My Question is the same as Marigold Jam's question above!?

    1. Thanks for your comment..... and yes I do sell them, but these two have been spoken for. I hope to make more soon, and perhaps put together a tutorial. I will keep you posted!

  3. These are so incredibly beautiful! I really wish you would add items to your Etsy shop, they would sell like hotcakes. So talented :)

    1. Thanks so much Cindy! I am hoping to add some things to my Etsy shop in mid to late November.

  4. they are so wonderful! Looking and looking - I admire your talent! greetings, eva
