
Monday, January 22, 2018

Black and White and Shades of Blue

We went up to Kluane Lake for a few days this past week, 
and although we couldn't see the mountains due to the low clouds, 
it presented us with different beautiful views. 

The starkness of the days made the world look almost black and white 
(all of my images were taken in colour)

The pressure ridges of ice offered up beautiful blues
that contrasted beautifully in the grey tone surroundings. 

Sometimes the clouds lifted a bit to add some blue to the horizon 
as well as glimpses of the land across the lake. 

It is almost always windy here, so it was a treat to have no wind 
as we walked for miles on the frozen lake.

and whenever we wanted we could head back to our tiny rustic cabin 
to stoke the fire and read our books by candle light 

with the beautiful black and white world just a step away outside our door. 


  1. A-MAZ-ING!!! Especially from my nice comfortable! I LOVE your photographs! ♥♥♥♥♥

  2. WOW Kim amazing photos. Your world is truly stunning!

  3. Gorgeous shots, winter makes the landscape look magical :)

  4. What a beautifully magical world! Gorgeous photos :)

  5. boah, impressing landscape. and impressing winter colours. Have a good time in the tiny cabin.

  6. Oh, what different worlds we live in!🌻🌻Laura

  7. Gorgeous. You are right. The photos look like they are in black and white. I live in Southern California, and our "winter" has been a perpetual spring. We are in need of rain.
