
Saturday, December 8, 2018

Paper Box Frames

I finally finished these little bit collages that I shared on my previous post. 

They will be part of a show in a Yukon gallery with the title of 'Light'. 

Therefore I wanted to keep the frames light both physically and in look.  
I also wanted the frame edges to be rustic and worn looking - similar to the paper edges. 

My desire was to have the pieces float above the false back of the box.

This was tricky to achieve and took too much time - but I like the final look. 

I put a small string through the back of the box, 
so these pieces can hang on a wall, or stand on a shelf. 

And here they all are - ready to head off to the gallery!


  1. Lovely. Your work never ceases to impress me.

  2. Exquisite, as is all of your work.

  3. Your little bits of collage are stunning, they make my fingers itch with inspiration! Love your books, too. Happy holidays!

  4. I LOOOVE these. Thanks for walking through the steps! Best of everything to you.
