
Friday, December 28, 2018

. . . . . Ready for 2019???

I am old school about many things - calendars is one of them. 
I love to keep myself organized with a paper style calendar 
that I am able to write things on. 

If you too love using a calendar and would like one of these, 
please leave me a comment and I will enter your name to win one of them. 
(tell me which cover is your favourite). 

This year I created small size calendars with decorated covers. 

At the end of the year, the calendar pages can be slipped out of the cover,
and can be replaced with a 2020 calendar or a notebook.

And since it is unlikely that I will post again before 2019.... 
I will sign off with best wishes for the remainder of 2018, and I will see you in the new year!

(draw will take place on Dec. 31 - item will be mailed on Jan. 2)

Saturday, December 8, 2018

Paper Box Frames

I finally finished these little bit collages that I shared on my previous post. 

They will be part of a show in a Yukon gallery with the title of 'Light'. 

Therefore I wanted to keep the frames light both physically and in look.  
I also wanted the frame edges to be rustic and worn looking - similar to the paper edges. 

My desire was to have the pieces float above the false back of the box.

This was tricky to achieve and took too much time - but I like the final look. 

I put a small string through the back of the box, 
so these pieces can hang on a wall, or stand on a shelf. 

And here they all are - ready to head off to the gallery!

Monday, November 12, 2018

Little Bits of Collage

These little bits collages have won my heart lately. 

I don't know what it is about taking pieces of paper 
that I have painted and stamped 
and ripped into little bits - and then glue back together again
. . . . but I keep seeming to want to do it.  

These little creations (measuring about 2&1/2 inches each way) are a work in process, 
but don't worry I will share the finished products with you when I am done.

Monday, October 29, 2018

Is It Finished Yet?

I love hand decorating paper, 
and then ripping it into bits 
to arrange and rearrange 
until I eventually glue the bits down. 

I also love making concertina style books. 

And so  - Yes I was pretty excited to work on this little gem of a creation.  

I sighed with delight to wrap it up and call it complete. 

BUT.... a week later I discovered it wasn't finished. 

I decided some of the bits needed a bit more interest. 
I wanted to add some lines and shapes. 

And so I got out my hand carved stamps and set to work.   

And I think this piece is now finished....

.... and I closed it up. 

We will see what next week brings .  .  .  .  .  .  .

Thursday, October 25, 2018

Not a Book. . . .

This may look like a book...... but it's not 
- or not one for writing in or reading.

This is a sewing kit I made for my daughter who has no sewing skills, 
nor did she have any pins or needles or threads to even attempt to fix something. 

I sent this little kit to her and now she can at least try to fix things. 

Pins, needles, thread, buttons and even a pair of folding scissors tucked in the back.

What more could she need.....?

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Playing with Whimsy

Playing in my journal.... just for fun!  
But using the techniques I share in the upcoming 21 Secrets Course

AND... I am also pretty proud of myself 
for figuring out how to add an 'Online Course' page to my blog!  
(actually very easy to figure out - who knew!)

Monday, October 8, 2018

Cookbooks and Daughters

I have two daughters that are at the edge of not living at home anymore.
They both were interested in having cookbooks, and since I love making books. . .  
I made them cook books. 

This one is decorated with the paper from used tea bags
with a collage from my hand decorated paper added.

I love the colours and patterns the tea leaves make as the bags are drying. 

Daughter # 2 (birth order that is) loves grey, 
so I added some greys and blues to the cover  
before adding a copy of some birds i drew 
and a smattering of collage bits. 

I have no doubts these books will be filled with yummy recipes
and enjoyed for many years to come. 

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Secrets & A Giveaway!

I am so happy to finally be able to share this secret!

Yes - I am one of the 21 teachers in this new edition of 21 SECRETS. 
If you haven't heard of 21 SECRETS before you are in for a treat. 

21 teachers will be sharing some creative secrets using paper, glue and scissors 
- actually in my case I just tore things instead of using scissors :-)  
All the content in 21 SECRETS comes in a downloadable eBook 
that you can keep and refer to for a lifetime. 

(and yes I get some of the payment if you purchase it through me)

I have a free course to give away!  
All you have to do is leave me a comment here (or on my instagram page) 
by October 1 and I will pick a winner.  

UPDATE - Winner has been contacted, but you can still join me and the other teachers - see link above for details! 

NOW - what creative secret am I sharing you ask???? 

I have created a course called 
Drawn to Collage

It shares how I use drawings 

and work with them together with other paper bits and some scribbling to create a collage. 

We will dye paper and gather collage fodder including drawings 
(yours or mine) and I will show you how I put it all together.
I would love for you to join me and the other 21 teachers. 

And here is a short promotional video I created. 

I had so much fun creating this course, and look forward to seeing what others create!