
Thursday, January 2, 2020

What Have I Been Up To???

Time seemed to slip away and before you knew it, months slipped by without me showing up here.  

Well - it's a new year now and I will try to do better!   
         (no promises though)

In the past couple of months I created a number of things using the floral drawings I made at the end of my 100 days of botanical bits project.  

I made some teeny tiny collages with the drawings on my handmade paper..... 

I used 9 of the teeny tiny collages to create this piece. 

And then it became bowl making time. 
I made numerous bowls using paper pulp, tea bags, paint etc. 
decorated them with my floral drawings and finished them with a layer or wax. 

Bowls changed to bottles or jars and the decorating continued. 

Side Note: 
For those of you that have asked about an 
online course making paper pulp bowls and bottles
I am starting it next week! 

I also used the floral drawings in my collage creations. 

To which I added some paint

And some stitching. 

Then it was jewelry making time. 
I always love making earrings out of strapping metal. 
I love when the metal has some wear and tear on it!

I found a bag of leather scraps in the studio that someone had gifted me many many moons ago, and I wanted to make something with the bits - and so the scraps of leather earrings and necklaces were created.  

And then it was time to get ready for Christmas
- gifts were made
- goodies were made
- decorations were hung
- presents were wrapped
- and family time was had

It was lovely

The only creating I managed to do over the holiday season was a few journal pages. 

This 2020 page needs some writing on yet 
but that will come!

Although I hope to post here more often, as I do love my little blog - if you are looking for more updates on what I am creating, 
you can follow me on instagram  @kimhenkelcreations  



  1. I love it all! But the bottles are my VERY favorite!!!!!! (insert hearts here....I can't figure out how to use the alt keys to make hearts on my new keyboard! LOL)

  2. Those botanical drawings are gorgeous! Thank you for sharing.

  3. Happy 2020! What a pleasure to see your work as always.

    I, like you, blog far less often these days. I seem only to show up when there is something finished to display. I don't seem to post the process any more as it seems rather repetitive and not so interesting to post. Perhaps I should try harder, both with posting and with my process ...

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  6. Thanks for sharing this wonderful post with us. We loved see all the beautiful pieces that you made. The earrings and the bowls that you made are just so gorgeous. Have a great rest of your day.
    World of Animals
