
Friday, July 30, 2010


I have a tendency to procrastinate ...... tonight I was supposed to be cleaning up my art desk, and seeing what supplies I need for the upcoming art course I am taking. BUT.... I had an idea in my head that wouldn't leave, and I had to try it. The above card is what became of my idea. The idea was to use tea bags and dried flowers together. I like how it turned out, but the idea is still growing.... I have more to explore with this, but not tonight.

I also had some books lined up, and the sun hit them so beautifully I HAD to take some pictures.... I will share some more pictures of these in a day or two. For now my desk and supplies need some attention - but maybe not tonight, I think I need to go for a short run first.

P.S. - Keep saving those tea bags for me Judy!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, what a natural result!!!
    Love it.
    Saw the link to your blog at Voor mij-voor jou from Iene.
    Groetjes Gery
