
Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Last 2 Treasure Books

The final two treasure books have been put together....

Right now they have no tie or jute around them, so I could take their picture

This one is stamped with a stamp I carved a while ago. I have only carved 3 stamps so far, but I enjoyed it, and will try a few more soon.

and last but not least a different picture of them lined up in the sunshine that I liked so much!


  1. look at your beautiful new blog header, my technology advanced Auntie! And such beautiful little books sitting in the sun.
    Are you going to be around this weekend?

  2. Yes, the new header is fantastic! And so is the shot of the books in the sun! Love it, love it..

  3. I had fun making the new header - but I couldn't get it to fit inside the lines.... but I guess very little of my messy creations fit within the lines!

  4. you can take the header lines off too!

    these are really amazing. any plans to open an etsy shop?

  5. These books are gorgeous. I love the vine stamp you carved. excellent shapes and proportions.
