
Friday, August 6, 2010

Not Really a Sewer

I am not really a sewer, usually what I sew is on books or cards - not clothes. You can see my old sewing machine that I use in the background of this image. It was my mom's machine that she gave to me a number of years ago when she got a new one. I love it, as it is like the little engine that could - it keeps on sewing, through whatever it is that I have to sew. This machine also sewed a lot of my clothes when I was a child. My mom is a great sewer, something that I did not inherit. But, today, I decided to play with adding some fabric bits to this coat style sweater I bought for a quarter of its original price.

Here is the coat/sweater before I began, with a pile of material I decided to work with.

I added the fabric to the bottom of both sleeves, around the bottom on one side, and over the opposite shoulder. Unfortunately I wasn't able to get a great picture of it.... self portraits are definitely not for me. I am not sure if I like it yet - whether it is done, or whether it will get some buttons or rustic embroidery on it. Time will tell.........

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for stopping by! Your blog is very beautiful and inspiring.

    Off to explore...
