
Friday, January 21, 2011

To Draw and Paint

I had a bit of time today and decided to draw another image for the sketchbook challenge. This month we are supposed to draw things that are highly prized. The mask I drew is highly prized, as it was a gift from a man that had very few possessions in life. Our family went to Bali a couple of years ago, and we hired a man to drive us around to different parts of the island. He was a wonderful man, that taught us so much about life in Bali. He explained things to us in such a kind way, and one evening wanted us to go and meet his family. Compared to families in North America his family did not have much, but we enjoyed a cup of tea with his family in his yard outside his house- I felt very privilege. While we were there he went inside, and brought out this old mask and gave it to my husband (who had been looking at old masks one day on our trip). The mask is treasured not so much for the mask itself, but for the gift it was, from such a kind individual that gave our trip to Bali so much meaning.

I also had time to paint a picture...... but painting this picture took me about 4 hours!! and I struggled with it every step of the way. It is done with acrylic paint, and I have only painted a handful of faces with acrylic, and they were all last January...... I know to get better at it I have to practice, but my creative time is so limited so I will have to decide if I want to spend it trying to paint.


  1. Kim, this is a beautiful face! and a beautiful story about the mask, glad that you shared both.

  2. It is a very beautiful painting, the time you spent was well worth it.

    Thanks for sharing your story of your trip also. Very touching.
