
Monday, January 24, 2011

Having Courage

"Remember as you go about your day that we who create are
part of the solution for what ails the planet.
We are kind, we share, we encourage and nurture.
We are powerful. Pass it on."
These words are from Judy Wise's blog, and I love them.

These words came to life for me a few days ago when I received such a lovely gift in the mail. Pam Kirch makes wonderful books, and offered to trade me one of her books for something I had made. When I recieved the book, I told her how much I loved it, but that I would struggle to draw in it, as I am always afraid of making a beautiful book less beautiful by drawing a picture that is not as good as I want in it. Pam encouraged me to draw in it.....

and so I gathered my courage, and put pencil to paper, and drew in my
beautiful treasured new book

It is not my best drawing, but it is fine, and I will continue to draw in this lovely book, and will try not to worry that the drawings will not be perfect, but rather that they add to the treasure that this gifted book already is.


  1. You are only making something that is beautiful .......... more beautiful
    I love your drawings

  2. Indeed you are adding treasure to the beautiful book, and what a beautiful first page to see! Your drawing has the look of one that has seen beauty and is beautiful because of it.
