
Monday, January 31, 2011

One World One Heart

I have 2 items to give away ... the first one is a package of 5 handpainted face cards...

To find out what the second item is, please read on....

One World One Heart is a way for bloggers from all over the world to
connect with each other - So if you haven't visited here before... Welcome to my little corner of the world!

To tell you a little bit about myself, I will start by saying that I have always loved to create things, but about 5 years ago, I decided to teach myself how to draw and dedicate more of my time to creating. Today I try to spend a bit of each day either drawing, (here) painting,(here) making jewellry,(here) making books (here) or exploring another creative medium (here).
I enjoy it and it keeps me balanced.

I live in a small village in Northern Canada, and enjoy the beauty of the natural world.

I enjoy spending time with my husband and my 2 teenage daughters.

As part of the One World One Heart event I am offering two give aways - the first being the package of cards at the top of the post, and the second item is this small (about 2 inches square when closed) accordian style book that I created.

It is made using handmade stamps I carved. I had lots of fun making it, and I would love to pass it along to someone in the blogging world. Leave me a comment and on Feb. 17 (end of day) I will randomly choose 2 winners (make sure I have your e-mail address) and mail the items off somewhere in this big world!


  1. How beautiful is the place where you live. It looks so incredibly beautiful.
    Your art is lovely Kim and I would treasure either of the two giveaways if selected:) Thank you for offering them!

  2. I had a quick look through your blog. Very nice. I have added you to my favourites and will definitely be back.
    BTW, I found you via another link that had nothing to do with OWOH and was surprised to see you are participating. I am too.
    Cotton Picker :)

  3. wow, your prizes are beautiful! visiting from California

  4. I happened here through OWOH. Your work is lovely. Thanks for participating and introducing yourself.

  5. Lovely. Your work is lovely. Oh, the person ahead of me said that too! But it is. Your part of the world is beautiful too, thanks for sharing.
    Stop by my blog if you get a chance :)

  6. Hi Kim,
    Your work is wonderful... such a great giveaway! (I also love your post about being brave)

  7. I love your work & where you live! Please call in on me at #100 if you get a chance.

  8. The cards are pretty and your place is so beautiful! It's such inspiring to know that you only taught yourself to draw five years ago and dedicated some time for it. I like that..I used to paint when I was younger and stopped. Now, I want to get back to it again. :)

    Here's my entry for OWOH.

  9. Hello from Alberta ~
    How exciting that you've taught yourself to do so many creative things, Kim. You giveaway is lovely. I hope you'll visit my blog too!
    Cheers ~
    OWOH #602

  10. Hi Kim. SO nice to meet you! I like your face cards and your accordian book looks very cool! I would love to be entered in your giveaway! OWOH #500

  11. What beautiful art. You also live in a world surrounded by beauty. So glad that you joined the OWOH event and I was able to find your blog. I'm #656 and I would love for you to visit.

  12. Beautiful paintings!

    Come see my giveaway too at

  13. Nice to meet you,
    your cards are beautiful!

  14. Hi Kim I love your work.
    Thanks for the opportunity to win a prize.
    Please drop by my blog and enter my draw as well.#573

  15. Love your work - great to meet you - please include me in your giveaway and do come visit my blog and enter mine - Cheers Britt in Australia :-)

  16. Thank you for being apart of the OWOH journey! I am meeting so many wonderful bloggers, including you!

  17. Kim, you're so creative! Your cards and book are so beautiful and unique! Someone, somewhere is going to be very happy with your lovely giveaway...I can only dream it's me! :)

    OWOH is a great trip around the (blog)world, thanks! love in a lovely place! I made a trip to west-canada at the 90's!!!

    Sweet greetings from Belgium,
    Saskia :)

    nr 214 on the list

  18. Great! A wonderful Giveaway and very nice blog.
    Also I have a Giveaway. Show, nevertheless, sometimes past #646

  19. Thank you for taking the time to offer this lovely gift and thank you for the opportunity to win!

  20. I really love your accordion book made with those handmade stamps (congrats on that, they´re fabulous!) - so please add my name to your list and hop over to my blog for a visit!

  21. Hello,
    I'm hopping around the world tanks to OWOH !!!
    Thanks for the chance to win your great prize.
    your cards and book are so great, very creative of you !!
    Lots of greetings from Belgium.

  22. Wow ! these are beautiful, I would love the chance to own them, such a fantastic givaway.

  23. Hallo, nice to meet you
    Thank you for giving us the chance to win your great doorprice.
    This is really beautiful.
    Please count me in.
    Come visit me on my blog,I join the OWOH- event too.
    Regards from Germany and happy OWOH

  24. I am already a follower of your blog and love your work :)
    I would love to be entered in to your giveaway.

    I am #207 on the list, if you want to visit me too

    Micki x

  25. Wow, how incredibly beautiful is the place where you live. It is amazing.
    Your drawing is excellent.

    A big hug from the other part of the world.

  26. I'd say you did a superb job of teaching yourself how to draw. Your faces are wonderful! I love the pictures from where you live. You are lucky to be surrounded by such beauty!

  27. I love your blog, the clean lines and open spaces. Your cards and book are beautiful. Thank you for the opportunity to win one of them.

  28. Greetings from Virginia, US! Thanks for your giveaway. I would love a chance at your pretty cards. Please feel free to enter my drawing at
    avennett AT verizon DOT net

  29. Your work is lovely. You are very talented. You live in a very beautiful, albeit cold, part of the world. I am sure you appreciate the scenery! I would love to receive anything from you!

  30. Hi there, I'm Bertie from the Netherlands. That's a wonderful give-away. I would love to win, so please count me in. And if you have time, come visit my blog

  31. Lovely to meet you! Your art work is fantastic, and where you live unbelievable for a "prairie girl"!
    Please visit my blog for my OWOH giveaway.
    Thanks for the chance!♥

  32. Hello from Ky! Love your creations! Put me in the pot for your OWOH Door Prize Please! Thanks,Tee

  33. Hello Kim! I am so fascinated by your lifestyle - I've lived in the concrete jungle all my life. Please do include me in your giveaway and if you have the time, drop by my blog too!


  34. Hi Kim,
    (I'll try posting again)
    This is one of my favorite blogs. I look forward to your posts, your work is so beautiful and inspiring. I absolutely love your tiny handmade books! Thanks for sharing your work in the blogging world!

  35. yes, this event is a wonderful way to spend a few weeks traveling around the world to new places and new friends....what a wonderful blog and world you've invited us in to. Thanks!

    I love your cards and especially the little book made with stamps you carved yourself!

    Please stop by for a visit when you get the chance:

  36. Thanks for the offerings. I love paper and paper crafts so either one would suit me if I was the lucky winner.

  37. The cards and the book are awesome! I shall keep my fingers crossed to own a piece of your art. Also enjoyed viewing your corner of the world even though I know it is really really cold right now! lol I'm waving to you from the US in SE Ohio where it is cold but not so much snow. #220 needlewings at mac dot com

  38. What a wonderful Welcome to your blog and the top shot of where you live in Canada is breathtaking! You are a talented babe too -I guess you only need look out at that view for inspiration too!! Anyway, pleased to meet you (I'm Shelle by the way)! Seeing I walked through your open Blogger doorway, I'd like to ask you to please, please come comment at my OWOH post too :) I'm pretty sure I haven't seen you? After OWOH if you're in the bloggersphere my blog door's always open :) Now let's keep enjoying this hurly burly wonderful One World One Heart EXTRAVAGANZA :)

  39. Hi from another Canadian Kim ! I am from Mntreal, Quebec but now live with my sweet Hubby in New hampshire. I love the energy and spirit in your art work and your blog. Thanks so much for the chance you win your lovely creations. I hope you have a great OWOH adventure !

  40. Hi,
    I have just come upon your blog and I have enjoyed reading. Your work is beautiful and the photographs are amazing. I grew up in Nfld. so the ocean and the land are what I remember.
    Wishing you the best,
    Barbara ~ Oakville

  41. Wow, love your faces and your book! FISH! I love that you are original in your work, a true artist! I've handcarved many a rubber stamp in my day and your fish is fantastic. I'd be honored to win anything that came from you!

  42. I am teaching myself to draw too! AND I make little books. A kindred spirit!! I want to tell you about a neat little display idea. Those wall mounted spice racks that were the rage in the 70s (the kind that have a little bar across to hold the spice jars from falling) are fabby as a display for small books. I sand the wood and paint it and then rub the paint back so it's not too precious. Then mount the rack on the wall and it's flat so it doesn't take up so much space (flattish I mean), and the front of the book shows and you can handle/admire/read the book(s) and change up the collection of books, etc. and the whole thing is just a very neat workable arty idea. Well I love your giveaway and would you please add my name to your drawing? Thanks so much, Norma (95)

  43. I love your artistic talent and creativity. Your photos are great. How enjoyable to be sitting by the fire. Hope you have oodles of fun during OWOH. I've enjoyed it so much over the years seeing all of the wonderful blogs and meeting everyone. Thanks for your participation in the event.
    visionquest2020 AT msn DOT com

  44. Oh I'm so excited to have found One World One Heart. What a great idea! I'm having a grand time visiting blogs such as yours and hopefully it will help my blog to grow in the process! I'd love to be included in your drawing. Sarah

  45. Greetings from Ontario Canada!

    It's so nice to have found you on the OWOH link list!
    I'm not actually signed on...but you can visit with me if you have the time just the same!

    ciao bella
    Creative Carmelina

  46. Looks cold there! But at the same time warm with the fire! My daughter is born in Canada, but she has only lived there for 3 weeks, no more! So at that point Canada is always in my heart!!
    Love your blog and reading about you!

    Warm regards, Susanna

  47. I am originally from the Capital-wow you do live far North-the outdoor fire looks fun

    ♥ chocolate and croissants at yahoo . com

  48. WOW! Your face cards are gorgeous! I love this small accordion book, too! Wonderful creations! I hope you get a chance to visit me at #357! jinglesells at gmail dot com

  49. HElllooo from Texas Kim! You know i thought i was cold but you look colder! :) What a wonderful introduction to yourself and beautiful door prizes. Thank you so much for offering them!
    adbt16 at suddenlink dot net

  50. While your cards are great, your little book is so unique and lovely.

  51. You are one creative soul! i enjoyed looking at your art! Jo, from Vancouver!

  52. I really enjoyed your blog. I hope one day you can share how to make those tiny books and carved stamps. If you have a chance com by my blog for a sweet giveaway, enjoy the ride on OWOH!

    ziggy # 437

  53. it is nice to "meet" a fellow canadian,
    your work is very inspiring!

  54. Hi from Manitoba!!! love your face and that accordion book is nice to meet you.. this is such a great event.. so much beauty and talent.. I love the picture by the fire.. Hope you'll get a chance to stop by my blog..
    Thank you
    # 617

  55. Hi Kim,
    Glad to see you're taking part! I have admired your work for awhile now, I'm keeping my fingers crossed. :) I'm loving the work you're doing in Misty's class,soo talented!
    Happy OWOH!

  56. Canada looks beautiful - like a huge version of the lake district near me! Your giveaways are delightful - i love you painting and how i would love to carve my own stamps like you! Please do count me in and enjoy OWOH x

  57. Hi, I enjoyed my visit with you and loved seeing your drawings, I would love to win either of your giveaways, I hope that you can stop by my blog to enter mine too. I love your photo of your family in the snow around the fire, that is so cool, with the snow so cold and the fire so hot

  58. Love the cards! Your drawing is wonderful!
    Please stop by and enter my OWOH! I'm #50!

  59. Ciao! I am so happy to meet you today on the wings of OWOH! Thanks for a chance to win your wonderful giveaway! Love the note cards and am intrigued by your accordion folded mini book! Glad to meet you as I take my slow journey around the world...
    Hugs, ♥ ♥ ♥ Antonella ♥ ♥ ♥
    wing stop #153, snowy New Jersey
    Please stop by #153 for a chance to win my giveaway!

  60. Great prizes! I love seeing all of your creative mediums. Happy OWOH, nice to meet you :)

  61. Wow! Your art is fabulous...esp that wonderful little book...and what a beautiful place you get to call home! Please include me in your drawing and if you get a chance...come by and visit my blog (#561).

    theweavershand at sbcglobal dot net

  62. Hi Kim, so lovely to meet another fellow Canadian! Please add my name for your giveaway, I would so love to win either your beautiful cards or accordian style book, it's gorgeous:-)

    Make sure you come by and enter my own giveaway if you haven’t done so already!!

    Hugs, PEA from Canada xox

  63. What an extraordinary giveaway. And I really enjoyed your photos as well. What a beautiful country!!!

    Greetings from Norway!!!

    Please enter me (my email is in my profile) and stop by my giveaway if you like:

  64. You live in a pretty place as I do here in Ireland.Your work is stunning!Thanks for a wonderful prize and so nice meeting you. Please visit Irish Muses at #678.

  65. Hello Kim, It's lovely to meet you and to discover your blog. What great giveaways. Please count me in. ~Michelle, OWOH participant 598

  66. Wow what a lovely giveaway! Please add me to the list !Thank you for the opportunity to win!

  67. WOW! They are both so wonderful! Love the faces you paint...and the book you've made! Thank you! ♥ Please visit me...I'm #389! ♥

  68. I checked into your other blogs. I love the teabag art cards. I am #694 on OWOH, check me out.

  69. Great tour on your blog. Beautiful art.
    Lovely doorgifts, count me in, please!

    Greetings from Finland,
    I'm number *451* OWOH
    It was nice to meet;-))m

    leikkaan AT

  70. What gorgeous scenery that surrounds you. I would love to sit at that campfire, cup of tea in hand. Beautiful gifts your are offering. Thanks for sharing your art and your surroundings.

  71. Gorgeous, gorgeous work. So nice to see you and your blog on my journey around OWOH 2011. Enjoy the rest of OWOH. Kim (No. 724)

  72. Hi Kim
    Wow! What a delight to land here, on this incredible OWOH flying adventure. I've been wandering for a while now, literally drinking in sooooo much beauty, inspiration and creativity - so much richness and diversity to truly delight my soul. Thank you so much! I will certainly be back!!!
    Hugs Jo xx #263

  73. Thank you for the chance to win these face cards...they are lovely!Sue

  74. The cards are lovely and the little book is adorable. When you've time, please visit me at Thistle Cove Farm.

  75. I would love to be included in your wonderful drawing. If you get the chance to stop by, my blog is #809

  76. you make beautiful art, and have a beautiful life!
    please drop by my blog #30,
    warm hugs & blessings from Montana,

  77. Looks like you have your hands in lots of different pots! A woman after my own heart :)

    Cameron #83

  78. Thanks for the chance of winning your prizes Kim.

    I hope you'll stop by and see my giveaways too on my blog.

    Sherry from England, UK

  79. Hello from alberta Kim, is this warm enough for you? lol I love your artwork and am glad to have come across another Canadian blogger-
    I hope if you have time, you'll stop by and say Hi, that is of course, if you haven't already!
    Thanks for the opportunity to win!

  80. Hello from Cody, Wyoming, USA. I enjoyed visiting your blog and getting to know a bit about you.
    Thanks for participating in OWOH. Please enter me in your drawing.
    If you haven't done so yet, please stop by and enter these giveaways too.
    # 385
    # 132

  81. What a beautiful life you have made. So nice to meet you! I'd love to win your lovely giveaway!
    Outrageous joy,
    Kathy #655

  82. Loving this OWOH meet and greet. Come for a visit. Leslie

  83. What wonderful cards you have created!
    I love to scrapbook and create altered art
    jewelry. Your blog is very nice. Please stop by mine! Thanks for
    sharing your blog. Have fun on your blog travels.


  84. Your hands remind me of mine when I have been dabbling with paints, only thing is my feet get covered too :)Please add me to the giveaway list for your lovely note cards and accordion book and come over and visit me too. I am #229 on the list.

  85. Hello from Oregon! Thanks for letting me peek around in your blog and enter your giveaway. You carved your own stamps?! WOW
    Thanks for the chance to win!
    Please feel free to come to my blog and enter for my doorprize as well!
    :) Gale OWOH #473

  86. I love your art and the face cards are fabulous.
    Please enter me too!
    Visit mine too if you get the chance.. time is running out!

  87. a big howdy from montana! thank you for letting me mosey around your blog. you are very talented and i have enjoyed my stay and will return again soon!

    i love your face cards and your accordion book is absolutely fabulous! please add me to your drawing.

    stop by my blog and drop your name in my hat, too!


  88. I love both the cards and the accordion book!

    Come and visit my giveaway too if you didn´t do it already!

    Warm regards
    Susan nr 471

  89. hello, thanks so much for the chance to win your giveaways! i specially like the faces and would be thrilled to win them. if you haven't yet, i hope you can come and visit me at and join my OWOH giveaway.
    blessings from peggyapl(at)!

  90. It is always nice to meet another Canadian here, Kim :)
    Your artwork is beautiful! I am just getting into mixed media. I hope to one day be able to make incredible backgrounds like yours.
    Thank you for participating in OWOH 2011. I hope you get a chance to pop by my blog, #51, on your journey.
    Hugs from northern (according to people in Toronto) Ontario,

  91. Your cards are wonderful -- and your little book is very fun! Please enter me into your draw-- thank you so much!
    ~martha (#384)
    (from Toronto :)

  92. Wow! I really like your jewelry...very unique. I the tea bag thing was REALLY special...very clever, well done you! Thx for the visit, june # 75

  93. Hello from England :) Beautiful prize! I love those cards. Please count me in and visit my giveaway if you haven't already!
    Here's my O.W.O.H. post

  94. Greetings from Ipswich, MA USA
    I'm glad to meet you. What a beautiful part of the world you live in. I enjoyed your photos!

    I'm a jewelry artist of sorts, a watercolor painter, and over all creative adventurer!

    And...I'd be honored to have you follow my blog. I'm #509

    I love both your offerings. Don't ever stop creating! Please enter me into the OWOH give away.
    I hope you can visit my blog, too. I'm giving away a shabby chic denim necklace. Come any time to chat.

    Hugs¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*´¨)
    (¸.•´ (¸.•´Linda L *

  95. Hello from the very cold New Jersey Shore, USA! your work is amazing.:) I'd love to win any of it :)
    Please include me and please come visit #209
    thanks, Susan
    (Pieces of Fate)

  96. Hi Kim, I would love to win your beautifully handcrafted cards and accordian book art project. How sweet! Please visit my blog, too. I am the author of "16 x MOM: A Mastery of Motherhood." I am giving away my book and a couple of laminated 4 leaf clovers.

  97. Your art is wonderful and the small book is amazing!!!!!
    Thanks for the chance and greetings from Spain!
    cal_rubies at yahoo dot es
