
Wednesday, February 2, 2011


I am working on a collaged painting (learning how from the course with Misty Mawn). It has been a while in the making, and it still feels unfinished because it is wordless

The unfinished piece sat beside me as I worked on other things last night, and I kept moving things around.

I couldn't figure out how to finish this piece, I just knew it wasn't right yet.... through the night I woke and thought about it, and at my day job it kept popping into my head, and I kept pushing it away.

Tonight I just sat down and started to play, and things came together. I feel that it is finished except for one thing.... it needs some words - but I don't want to rush the words - they will come, and I will finish. If you have any ideas of a few words I should add to it, please let me know!


  1. I don't think it needs words. Just like silence between friends ....sometimes it is comforting to know that the feeling is there even if the words are not.

  2. I, too, feel the silence, and the comfort of friendship in your painting...I think it is SO beautiful! I am in Misty's class too...and I love the power of art and words. Here's what I came up with, after looking at your painting...

    she and I
    stand side by side
    gazing in silence
    at the moonlit garden
    contemplating the ease
    of a perfect friendship

  3. Beautiful work, I looked at it for ages but couldn't come up with any words for it, maybe it is meant to be wordless?

    Micki x

  4. Hey Kim, I, too, am a big lover of the right words with an art piece ... but can I tell you that I am so in love with this piece just the way it is!! Whatever your heart tells you to do will be the right thing but, my dear, this is just so delightful, I could gaze at it for a very long time ... you did good!

  5. Id say it came together beautifully.

  6. This is so beautiful and powerful! I don't think it needs words at all. I think the painting says plenty.


  7. I feel these two are sisters. But why does it need words? It's very beautiful

  8. In the end this piece did not have any words added. I love words - not only to communicate messages, but for how they look and also feel and sound as I say them.
    Thank you for all of the lovely comments
