
Saturday, June 4, 2011


I have always loved the work of Anahata Katkin, and decided to spend some time playing with a painting of mine influenced by her work. It really didn't matter how it turned out, as I was just playing. How lovely that feeling is when you have no expectations on yourself. Just doing something completely for the enjoyment you get.

As I worked on it, I was really liking how it was turning out, and the pressure increased..... I didn't want to do something to muck it up. But in art making as in so many other things we do, we must take chances to move things along. And so I continued along being brave and taking chances. Some of them worked, and some didn't, but in the end I was happy with the piece and the fun I had making it.

I mounted it on a piece of covered book board, and if I am brave (because I don't want to wreck it now) enough I will put holes in the top and a piece of ribbon to hang it up with. For now it sits beside the railing that comes up to my studio.


  1. Gorgeous, Kim!
    Did you know she was a Fairbanks girl originally? I took Jazzersize from her mom!
    Must be that good northern air.
    I'm really loving seeing your talents unfolding here. Keep it up.
    xoxo Kim

  2. I love the lines and and small bubble/circle effect, it's so fluid. It is a beautiful piece of work.

  3. Hey Kim, she is beautiful! I love your work and how you infuse the faces with such a feeling of peace and calmness ... you should be proud!

  4. She is beautiful. I really love the style and thanks for the link to Anahata Katkin, I have never seen her work before.

  5. Kim your art is really going up another notch
