
Tuesday, June 7, 2011

When is it Finished?

When I am creating a picture it is sometimes hard to know when it is finished. Often artists say that they know they are finished when they love their creation. And so I decided to attempt that with this creation.

I kept working it, and came up with this..... but I didn't love it, and thought maybe sometimes you don't love what you create, and perhaps there is a time when you stop and just let it be and put your energies into a new creation. And so I stopped and took this picture, and thought it was as finished as it was going to be. I looked at it again the next day, and decided to spend a bit more time at it.

I continued on, made a number of changes, and although I still do not love it, I like it better than before, and will leave it here and put my creative energies into other projects.


  1. I think your piece is lovely. I like the changes you made. (I find that I don’t like/love something as soon as I’m finished with it either. I need some time away from it to truly appreciate it. Maybe you just need a little time.)

  2. You gotta give it a rest and put some space between you and the painting. It takes a few days for the apron string to be untied. Only then can you objectively critique your own work and decide if it is finished.

    I love all my stuff while I'm working on it. It's only after I take a break that I come back and wonder what was I thinking?

    ps - I love this painting, looks finished to me.

  3. I have had a good browse through your lovely blog tonight and your paintings are really inspirational. Lovely lovely art!
