
Monday, July 25, 2011

Bits and Pieces of Creative Time

Over the last couple of weeks when I only have small bits and pieces of time to create I have been slowly making this piece of jewellry.
I have had it in my brain for a long time, so I am happy that I have found the time to make it. It is a bracelet that wraps around my wrist 3 times.

I have a very small wrist, so although I like bracelets, I can never buy them as they are always too big.

But I made this bracelet so that I can also wear it as a necklace.

I enjoyed making all the little bits and pieces of it, and have worn it as both a necklace and a bracelet this past week.


  1. Oh, you're going to laugh when you see the necklaces I made last week with chains and sari silk ribbon, ha! Must be something in this northern air. I hope to get to the library and post them tomorrow.
    xoxo Kim
    PS, I have skinny wrists too!

  2. home made is always best - good for the spirit. Thats why I just polished off the last square of chocolate

  3. How super clever, a bracelet that turns into a bracelet. Yours is original and so very lovely. Do you rent out your jewelry? Smiles: sharon

  4. This piece looks so very interesting and fun!
    I bet there will be more in the works, yes?
