
Thursday, July 21, 2011

Yes More Botanicals!

I don't know what it is - perhaps it is because we are in the prime of flower season here in the Yukon - or perhaps it is just because I love plants - that my paintings on plaster seem to be of botanicals. But I guess when something just feels right that is what has to happen.
Here is the board with many layers of paint as the background.
At my messy painting desk.

I sketched on what I was thinking about painting

and did a bit of practice flowers on paper. And then I forgot to take anymore pictures until it was finished....

or maybe finished.... not sure yet, as these images were loading I walked over to my desk where this was sitting, and dapped on a bit more paint.
Time will tell.


  1. the whole thing is lovely and the compostion, wow

  2. Beautiful detail in the first photo. The colors seem to glow!

  3. Had to laugh at ‘And then I forgot to take anymore pictures until it was finished....’ I’m the same way! LOL Lovely flowers! I like the circles, nice touch.

  4. Your work is really wonderful (I'm doing Sketchbook Challenge too). I love your color choices and your composition!

    I am very intrigued with your process. I am a clay artist, so I'm thinking of trying to paint on (bisqued) clay tiles instead of plaster. I've got some tiles made up that I need to fire before I can start. I'll post on my blog photos -- if it works lol

  5. You forgot to take photographs because you were caught up in the "moment of creation." A very special place to be. Lovely work, so glad I saw it.

  6. oh wow, kim, this is *gorgeous*!! xoxo
