
Monday, July 18, 2011

A New Pocket Book

I try to create everyday - it keeps me happy. But working a full time job, and having a busy family life sometimes makes this difficult.

And a few nights ago it was quite late before I managed to climb the stairs to my little studio space. I didn't have much time, but knew I needed to create something. There amongst my messy pile of creations was a piece of coloured tea bag paper (used tea bags glued together and painted onto with waterbased inks). It was an experiment that wasn't going anywhere anymore, so I cut it into smaller pieces, and stamped onto it with my hand carved stamps. I thought I would add them to my bag of bits and pieces that are created when I only have little bits of time, that end up in various projects. That was all the time I had that evening - enough to keep me happy, but it was also inspiration for what I was going to do next.

I decided to put one of them on the front of this pocket book

This book is full of a variety of pages (different sizes, and most of them painted on or stamped on or decorated in some way).

There are bits and pieces (from my bits and pieces bag)

attached to a number of different pages.

I call it a pocket book, because both the front pocket,

and the back pocket is chock full of bits and pieces - some white pieces some decorated paper that can be used to write on or decorate this book.


  1. This is great Kim. What a nice assortment of special pocketses and papers. Wondering if you'd like to do a journal trade or perhaps a simpler postcard trade if you like. Did you see Lynne Hoppe's beeswax and teabag post today? you might like it.
    xoxo Kim

  2. I love how you used those pieces. Very cute, and what a great way to steal a little creating time.

  3. What a great example of using the bits and pieces of time we are given in our lives...rather than watch television and get stressed....create that one little thing...go about being happy. And it is permanent, not fleeting. I have never done tea bag anythings, but this really looks fun. Now to find a free moment or two, oops, have to drink the tea.

  4. Kim you inspire me so much! I love your creative eye. Gosh I am now wanting to make a little book. *smiles* Norma
