
Sunday, July 31, 2011

I'm So Excited... And I Just Can't Hide It!

This is a post I have been waiting to share for some time now.

It is about making something out of teabags, pressed leaves and flowers, bits and pieces of material, and some ink and glue.

I made a lot of them last October and sold them at local sales.

What are they you ask? Well I call them tea bag luminaries, as I put a small battery operated (no open flame please) tea light in them

and in the darkness they glow. I enjoyed making them so much that I decided to submit the idea to a magazine,

and August 1st when this magazine hits the shelves, my article on Tea Bag Luminaries will be in there! I have not seen the magazine yet, and because I live in such a remote place, the magazine is unlikely to hit the shelves where I can buy it for at least 2 weeks.

You can't really see it here, but when I blew this image up I saw it clearly.

It says TEA BAG LUMINARIES by Kim Henkel

Now how very cool is that! If any of you are somewhere that carries the magazine, have a look - I can't wait to see what it looks like!


  1. Congratulations Kim, these are stunning. Id love to buy on of your luminaries.

  2. Congratulations Auntie Kim! What excitement!!!!

  3. Congrats Kim - these are very cool! And in the magazine too - YAY!

  4. I am going looking for this magazine.

  5. So happy for you!! Very exciting:)) They're beautiful!!

  6. Congratulations, Kim! How exciting! The luminaries are beautiful! And well deserve to be featured in Greencraft! Can’t wait to see the magazine!

  7. Those are incredible! Congratulations. I'll have to see if our B&N carries it. I'm so impressed! Your style seems to translate so well to every project you touch.
    xoxo Kim

  8. Kim, wonderful news! Congratulations they look great. Well done you :)

  9. Congratulations, that is wonderful and well deserved, they look beautiful, it is no wonder they were chosen for the magazine, your work always has a beautiful, delicate feel about it and I love that.

    Hugs for you

    Micki x

  10. Kim, I first got to see your beautiful work in our plaster studio group and was in awe. You really do have a lovely style and reading through your posts from the beginning, I can really see the progression to where you are today.

    Congratulations on your newest acheivement...well deserved, they are beautiful!!!

    Looking forward to your next project with great anticipation.


  11. I agree with Donna. I became aware of your wonderful work through the plaster course...hasn't that been a special way to meet people? The tea bag art work is so delicate,just like the wings of a butterfly. You are very creative and manage to take things to a next level! So happy for you to have this published. I, too, must remember to look for a copy.

  12. congratulations this is wonderful! They are delightful to see!

  13. wow thats so cool .they are lovely lights .....x
