
Wednesday, August 3, 2011

How I Spent My Summer Vacation

Working in the tourism industry, when summer is the busiest season it is rare that I get any time away from the day job. But this year I managed to take this whole week off. Today was the end of day 3 of the holiday, and I have been busy. I have been - jogging every day, visiting my parents, bike riding with the hubby, washing 3 bags of hockey gear and letting it dry in the sun, doing some house keeping chores (but trying to keep that to a minum), spending time outside, pressing some flowers, watching movies with the teenagers and of course CREATING! But most of the things I am making are not at a showing stage yet, so below are images of things I am working on...

Oh and these were made on day 1 and are no longer around!

I hope you all manage to have a summer holiday!

PS... Thanks for all of your kind comments on the previous post, they all made my heart very happy!


  1. wow, sounds as though you are fully embracing your holiday, fantastic! I seem to be getting lots done and experienced too. The spirit of summer. Fun to see what you are up to.

  2. Good for you, gal! that last shot makes my mouth water ... and could you tell me, Kim, what is the little boat made of? I have been intriqued with this shape for awhile now.
    Keep creating wonderful things and keep enjoying your time and family.
