
Friday, August 5, 2011

Hard Rock and Heavy Metal - My Way

What comes to mind when you hear the words 'Hard Rock and Heavy Metal'? This is the title of an upcoming art exhibit that I have submitted some pieces for. It is a juried exhibit, and I don't know if my pieces will be chosen - partly due to my interpretation, because I took the words literally rather than musically, and the above is what I created.

I then turned them into necklaces.

I made them by cutting and soldering some metal together, and adding some lovely little rocks.

They are heavy metal and hard rock, but perhaps not what the gallery is looking for.

but that is okay, because the title of the exhibition is what inspired these little gems, and I am happy that it did.


  1. Oh, Kim, these really do rock my world! love them!

  2. hi, thanks for dropping by my blog. Green Craft mailed me a copy of the magazine since I was in it. You will probably get a copy. I know when Cloth Paper Scissors send out their mag, my frind in MA get her's, I get mine close to a week later in PA and my friend in NC gets her several days after me. so keep checking your mail box. love your blog..will drop by again!
