
Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Lace Bound Book

I always find it interesting where inspiration comes from. This book came together because of 2 things that inspired me. One was an aged piece of a thin lace like doily that my mom came across when working at the local small 2nd hand store. The other was a oh so lovely book that you can see at this site.

I added colour to the pages, and bits and pieces of lace and aged doily.

I added bits of lace/doily to the spine to soften up the hard cover,

and tie it into the decorated pages.

More decorated pages.

and then the back cover.

Available for purchase in my Etsy Shop


  1. It turned out beautifully! Thanks for the link. Happy day to you Kim.

  2. My goodness this is beautiful...just love the heavy texture, almost looks like carved plaster. Great book binding work!!

  3. oh too gorgeous Kim, i just love it....

  4. This is beautiful! I hope you are resting lots, and being gentle with yourself.

  5. Delightful! (I wanted to use a different adjective! LOL)
