
Friday, February 17, 2012

Rusting Away

My world has been quite wonky this week, and I haven't been very creative. Last Saturday I played in a hockey tournament, and ended up with a concussion that has made me dizzy, lightheaded and unable to do much. Fortunately I am starting to feel better.

I have been intriqued by creating marks on fabric by rust, and thought this would be a good week to experiment with that - as I was only able to do something small, that didn't require too much energy ( I didn't have too much). So I found some rusty washers that I picked up some time ago and layered them on some fabric and a long tea bag that I had soaked in vinegar.

.... before I continue.... here are the long tea bags that I have purchased for using with loose tea. They are fun as they are about twice the size of a regular tea bag.
(For those that are asking.... I bought these at a cafe that sells tins of loose tea. I have also seen them for sale at kitchen stores)

I wrapped everything up with lace ,and let the rusting begin.

Two days later, this is what the bundle looked like.

and this is what I found when I unwrapped it.

I have no idea what this will become, but I am sure it will come in handy in one of my creative ventures.


  1. Oh my goodness, That rust action is amazing! Sorry about your concussion, that is worrisome.
    I had always wondered how you got such large tea bags too. We just got a bunch of loose tea from India and it could be a business expense to buy some of these, don't you think?
    I hope you recover from your blow soon.
    xoxo Kim

  2. ...and where did you get them? I didn't see anything like that online.

  3. Yummo... we could all so with a concussion if this is what it brings.

  4. I am hoping that the effects of a concussion will go away as quick as it can! Ouch. Take good care!
    I love the effect of your rust art piece(s). I know they will go to good use in something you create.
    I am deeply excited about the long teabags and will be checking them out for sure. Nice to hear your voice. *smiles* Norma

  5. Here’s a sentence I never thought I’d say, ‘lovely rust!’ LOL So sorry to hear about you noggin’! Hope you’re back to yourself soon. Rest, rest, rest!

  6. That is sooo beautiful Kim. I love it! I'm sure you will no doubt come up with something wonderful to do with it. I love the rust and lace .

  7. sos osrry to hear about your concussion, hope you are on the mend now ...the rusty stuff looks wonderful and will be perfectomundo for your projects :)

  8. Hey Kim, sure hope your head is healing! and the rusty stuff looks awesome ... you always have great ideas and plans.
    Take good care.

  9. Yummmy......rust!
    I hope you feel better soon.

  10. Wow, so beautiful. Can't wait to see what you do with them!
