
Wednesday, June 6, 2012

In My Journal

I continue to work on my journal, and wanted to show you a few pages that I have created, and are ready for me to write on. 

Lately I am enjoying how the pages look before I add my daily (or so) thoughts and words, but don't like how they look so much after the words are added.   I am hoping that that will change soon.

Another page

with some close ups.

I am really enjoying drawing with pen lately.  It is something that I actually have not been brave enough to do.  I prefer to draw with pencil and be able to erase things.  Therefore I have made my self sketch in pen, on a painted page in my journal, and I know if I really don't like it, I can always paint over it. 

These sketches are all on one page in my journal, and will probably stay, and so I added a bit of colour to them.  I think they will stay, and I will write around them. 

For some reason I am in a real teapot and cup mood right now.  
And now I think I will go and make a cup of tea. 


  1. Kim the second my eye met the wee bird up top I said aloud "Oh hello sweet sweet thing." Your work is astonishingly beautiful. The journal, as lovely to you in making it as it is us in seeing it, I hope. Have a nice day, N. xo

  2. I love all of your pages Kim, but that's no surprise to you I'm sure as I love all of your work.

    I also have a 'thing' for teapot's and cup's right now too and also for beds, sofa's and chair's too lol maybe I should try some 'still life' painting for a change ;o)


  3. Hi Kim, I have the same feelings about adding words to the journal after painting on the page. I now use "rub on letraset letters". The choice of fonts is staggering. Just a thought.

  4. Your pen drawings are gorgeous!

  5. Your work is so seems like every little mark and fine line is put down with purpose and it all flows together so well. Your bird page is my favorite.

  6. These pages are all wonderful...the bird is possibly my favorite although I like the teapot and vines, too. The way you've drawn your images along the sides and bottom of the page leaves lots of space for future journaling...I like that.

  7. What completely gorgeous pages... I adore the bird one. I'm inspired to go work on my own journal right now! Deb

  8. Lovely pages! (I know how you feel about adding words. It always seems like I've 'ruined' the page! LOL)

  9. So beautiful! I'm not sure I would ever have the courage to draw in pen. Love how your pages turned out.

  10. WOW! Stunning pages. I would have a hard time adding journaling to them. The bird pages are gorgeous.

  11. your pages are beautiful . . . so lovely!
