
Friday, June 1, 2012

What Have I Been Up To?

What have I been up to? 

Well.... although these have been a long time in the making, I have finally finished a few necklaces.

I really enjoyed making them.

and now a few of them are heading to my Etsy shop (selling for $25 Canadian).

Besides making this jewelry, I have been busy with the following not so fun things
  • cleaning up the downstairs of our house after it flooded
  • missing my computer as it needed fixing (thanks to my nephew in law for taking care of that for me)
  • helping my18 year old daughter move out of her apartment, (100 miles away) and prepare to camp for a month
  • attend medical appointments (100 miles away) as I still work towards healing
  • REST my brain as much as I can, as that is the only way I will heal from this concussion I am still struggling with.

I am still smiling lots and remaining positive, and enjoying many many good things every day. 


  1. Nice to hear your update, I was wondering how your recovery has been going. So worrisome and I'm glad that you're taking care of yourself.
    Sweet pendants and so artfully photographed I must add. Will you be selling these in person or do they go to a shop?
    Are you camping at Kluane for a month? sounds like you have a lot on your docket. Rest and heal. xoxo Kim

  2. Your necklaces are lovely. My favourite is the bird. Sorry to hear you still are suffering from your concusion hope you feel better soon.

  3. LOVE to you Kim. Beautiful work as always. Thinking of you often. Your plate runneth over these days and kudos to you for getting it all done. *smiles* Norma

  4. i was thinking you had been quiet on the blogging front last night and then you post :) i love love your necklaces....and they are photographed beautifully... hope your concussion improves soon...its been a long grind for you ....

  5. So sorry to hear about the flood! Hope it wasn’t too bad. AND no computer? I’d be going through withdrawal! LOL
    At least you had your lovely pendants to keep you occupied.
    Rest your brain; every day is a day closer to wellness! {{hugs}}

  6. Thanks for the update. Flood, daughter moving so far away, computer problems.......I'm so glad you were able to be creative through it all.
    May you rest your brain and be healed!
