
Sunday, July 15, 2012

Collage & Photo Play

I love collages, but it always takes me so long to make them, as I look and look and move things around so much.  So I decided not to do it that way, but rather just glue things down as I went along. 

Here is my first one, and I had wished I had stopped a step earlier.

Here is the second one and I mostly like it.  But what was great about both of them was that I had fun making them.  Layers on layers of bits and pieces.

A few posts back I showed some circle photos I had taken, and wanted to share some more images from that day.  We spent a few hours poking around a few old (1910-1930 I believe) abandoned cabins. 

The buildings were made of logs, but in places pieces of wood were added to the interior of the walls.  My guess is they used everything they got to keep out the elements.  The winters are long and cold.

I thought the color and patterns in these walls was just beautiful.

Some of the walls - especially close to the roof line had tin cans that were opened and nailed to the walls.

Once again I thought they were beautiful.

The roof of a few of the cabins were also partially shingled in pieces of tin.

And old tins were lined up on a few shelves.

Everywhere I looked I saw beauty....


  1. Cool “fall-downs” as Husband and I call them. We too are fascinated by the vacant and abandoned.

  2. Wish I had a piece of that rusty tin roof. A big hunk ... for rusting fabric. Love all of the color and textures of these old cabins. :0) thanks for sharing.

  3. Very cool textural shots of the buildings - I really like your collages too.

  4. Your collages are lovely. I love your photos I can see where you get your inspiration from for the colours you use in your work.

  5. What fun you had with your collages! Did you set a challenge for yourself...only 5 steps or 5 minutes or some such thing? I do that at times to keep from overworking something. Sometimes it works, others....

    The abandoned cabins are amazing as is your eye for finding those sweet areas to photograph. You have me yearning to explore them too. Thank you for sharing!

  6. I love your work... It has an earthy quality to it that I find very attractive!

  7. These are beautiful photos. Patterns and layers and texture. I love them. I also love your collages. I'm one of those that Can't plan ahead. I hope you'll let yourself play more.

  8. Your collages are exquisite full of that lovely earthy tone you use in all your art...very much like the wonderful old beauty you took the photos of.

  9. I think making collage is a little bit like your old cabin there. You just keep adding bits and pieces and odds and ends. Love the collages ... and love the collage cabin. What a hard life that must have been though!
