
Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Collage - Take 2

Although I enjoyed making some collages a couple of days ago (see previous post), I wasn't really satisfied with the outcome.  I wanted something less cluttered.  So I tried again.

This is what came out, and I like it much better.  I took a middle road of laying things out a bit before glueing down, but limited my options and looked at it a bit more. 

And I really enjoyed the process.

After uploading these images to my computer, I played with them a bit.  Lots of fun there too.

And here is the second collage I made.  Again I laid it out a bit, but limited my choice of components a bit.

And then a bit of play on my computer.

I feel much better now.... but I do have plans for the collages I made previously.....


  1. I like all of the transformations of these little collages. They have a good balance to them.

  2. Cool collages! I can't decide which one I like best! Isn't it fun to play with them on the computer?

  3. Love these. The different effects you achieved using the computor are very interesting. I'm not very good with computers so I wouldn't know the first thing about doing something like that.

  4. These look great Kim - I liked the earlier collages as well. I also like that touch of pink.

  5. love your butterfly mix! great textures.

  6. What wonderful collages you show here...just beautiful work!!
