
Sunday, August 19, 2012

Collage Again

This weeks lesson in collage was about vignettes. 
So I took a copy of a face I painted some time ago, and put it on a tea bag.  I then placed it on a page from an old book with elements both underneath the tea bag and on top. As seems to be in everything I work with  lately there are tea bags and botanical bits.

I then cropped the image on my computer and played....

Another fun project!


  1. Oh my gosh...this is so beautiful Kim! Happy Sunday.

  2. Another beautiful collage! (Maybe I need to take this course!)

  3. Wow, Kim - i love this collage AND the process of computer manipulation with the image. must try myself! -sus

  4. I love your original collage - great layers.

  5. beautiful collage! the process is interesting and you play, that´s fine. Yes, our little daughter is better and I hope you are fine, too, sorry to hear that it takes so long... x Stefanie

  6. Wow Kim...this is so ghostly and beautiful. How do you get the copied image onto a tea bag?
