
Friday, August 17, 2012

Pink & Orange

I am usually not a "pink" kind of girl.  And yet lately I have really enjoyed playing with pink and orange. 

Orange has been showing up in a lot of my photos.....

And surprisingly PINK showed up in this necklace I made recently.

It quite surprised me. 


  1. Pink is beautiful.. I love mostly all of the colors....every color is a present for an artist!

    great necklace!

  2. Pink and orange are one of my favorite color combinations. You'd never tell that now with all my rusty stuff, but it is.

  3. I'm more orange than pink but your necklace is lovely the photos are fabulous!

  4. Kim, your necklace is a knock-out.
    I never cared for orange at all until I turned 50, but now I can't get enough of it. Amazing photos! -sus
