
Monday, September 10, 2012

Grid Collages

During the last week of the online collage composition class I recently took, we learned about and worked with grid style pieces.  These are the three pieces I created.

I really enjoyed making this one.  I like working in a grid that isn't too accurate. This piece contains some pressed botanical bits and some decorated paper/tea bags.

As always I struggle to decide what mat to put it in.   

This piece has grid elements, with  a photograph I took and some pressed botanical bits.

It is an 8X10 piece and at the moment I only have white mats in this size, so my decision was made for me. 

I didn't enjoy creating this more accurate grid piece.  Although I like the pieces I put in it, the pieces were too finnicky for me, and are not as straight as they could be. (but as straight as I am going to get them)

Again I struggled with choice of mat. 


  1. I prefer the more freeform grid collages that you've shown although your elements are awfully sweet in the more delineated one. I'm sure your not surprised with that coming from me.

  2. Your collages are just wonderful!
    (I struggle with collages. As much as I like to create them, they just look 'flat' and uninteresting! lol)

  3. Kim, they both turned out really well! You really seem to be enjoying this course. I'm loving all the work you've produced so far!
    As a retired picture framer I say go with white. Have a great week.

  4. Stunning creations...just beautiful! Your little botanicals book below ,,,mmmmm very nice too!
    I am a fan,,,how can you tell:)

  5. These are so pretty. I am always drawn to grids. Something satisfying about them. I like the irregular ones better too!

  6. I really like all of these, although the second one is definitely your style. Using your own photo was brilliant - love it.

  7. hi, kim - The second collage has such a mood of autumn memory for me. Good work, and an interesting exercise, working with grids. Thanks for sharing. -sus

  8. I love all your art work here, but the fourth collage from the top is my favorite... your colors and designs are earthy and luminous at the same time...

  9. So lovely to see your new art always show diversity in what you do...

  10. I didn't do the grid lesson in that class, but I recall your second project above with happiness. I like the way your style translates into the more formal grid, too. It gives me an advent-calendar-type feeling, where something exciting resides in each separate compartment.
