
Thursday, September 13, 2012


Perhaps it is because the snow is quickly moving down the mountainsides, and will soon be covering all of the rocks. Perhaps it is because the plants are finishing their season of growth and will soon be resting under that layer of snow. Perhaps this is why I have been so busy collecting rocks and  botanical bits - knowing it will be many months before I see them again. Perhaps this is why I have so many bowls of rocks around the house right now, and numerous trays of pressed botanical bits.
Perhaps this is why I felt the urge to make a few more rocks layered with botanical bits,
and layers of paste wax buffed to a smooth finish. 

Seeing and feeling them increases my happiness and helps me relax.

I also collected some small pieces of drift wood from my favourite stretch of lake beach, to decorate in this way.

And I find the back of it as beautiful as the front.

And now this small collection,

 makes me smile.


  1. I am so sorry that winter has arrived already. I love your little botanical rocks and bits of wood. they are lovely.

  2. Beautiful Kim, I don't know how you cope with all the snow though, I know I couldn't!!!

  3. These lovely creations make me smile, too ~ you're just busy & smart like the squirrels right now, collecting what you need for the winter time!

  4. Wow, Kim! These are just so great. Yes, they'll be disappearing soon.
    Nice idea and they still capture the essence of all your works.

  5. Yikes.....that "S" word! Your collecting reminds me of the squirrel in our yard gathering all the walnuts she can for the winter season. Everywhere I walk I feel walnuts under my feet. The crows keep finding them and then fly over to Townsite Rd where they drop them for the cars to crack!

  6. I love your 'rock collection'! Just lovely.

  7. My husband always says that snow is a four letter "S" word.

    There is something about art on rocks. They seem to go together really well. Especially when you do it.

  8. Hi Kim, your stones look great like ancient finds from an old magician - Catweasel or so...

  9. Kim, your magical collection makes me smile, as well! I, too, am soaking up all the wild that I can in anticipation of the months of snow bearing down on us. xxo, sus

  10. Kim, these are just gorgeous. My hands want to hold them. What a wonderful display. I can't imagine thinking about snow. We still have the AC running and are swatting mosquitoes daily!

  11. This collection makes me smile too!! Gorgeous and what good memories of the warm weather!

  12. Dear Kim, I love your words and photographs here as you get ready for winter in the Yukon Territory. And your art work is beautiful as you cherish this season. I especially love the leaf on the bark!
    take care, roxanne

  13. You create magic out of the most simple things.....I have seen many rocks painted on, or lettered upon, but I know that yours are the most beautiful I have ever seen. The love and patience shines on each stone. Simply wonderful. I, too, would press flowers, if my summer season was so short. But there is beauty in the winter, snows, etc. I miss the snowy winters now that we live in southern USA....this earth has so many beautiful environments.
