
Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Inspired by Nature

A couple more tea bag collages. 
These pieces are about 4 X6 inches in size, and made with tea bags, my photographs, some colour of some sort depending what I am feeling like playing with at the time, and some collage bits.  Sometimes the collage bits can hardly be seen. (see the musical notes in the horizon line?)

I like how these small pieces look surrounded by a layer of white.

In this piece some of the collage bits are very obvious, and you can sort of get the look of the layer of cold wax that the piece is finished with. 

I enjoy making these, and hope to work on some more soon. 
I am also really enjoying working on a book I am making with instructions through an online course with Roxanne.  Her work is amazing, and I am thrilled to be able to learn from her. Here is a bit of what I have worked on so far. More pictures to come as the book evolves!


  1. I don't know why, but your tree collages really touch my heart. I already saw the three firs and it was the same feeling...really wonderful!

    I like also the little book. Perhaps you would like to take part in this week's drawing challenge with the theme "leaves" at my blog?
    Would be a pleasure for me.
    ♥ Sabine

  2. I really like the wide border of white too! Lovely pieces!

  3. The white surround just sets your work off splendidly Kim. I like it too!! You have a gentle touch which comes off with these materials, especially the tea bag paper. The colors are so great. Natural. In person I bet the wax is even more gentle to the piece. Lovely. Norma, x

  4. Your tea bag collages are wonderful.

  5. i love how you get inspired by nature to create new natural little worlds that stands on their own, x

  6. I agree with renilde, your inspiration by nature is so beautiful! and I love the last picture!
    :-) mano

  7. How beautiful . I love the gentle colours of your tea bag collage and the white surround finishes it off beautifully.

  8. Just wanted to add to my last comment that all three collages are beautiful.

  9. And I so enjoy looking at your beautiful teabag work. (snow in the forecast here). xxoo, sus

  10. Dear Kim, I love all your work here, your golden hues, and especially the tree shape in the first collage, (is it a stamp that you carved?), and the mountain range in the background of the second. And your beautiful photo of your projects for our workshop! Thanks for the link and take care...

  11. a book?
    hello! and well done.
    i love how you explain here as well, your technique. makes me feel like going ahead and play, but i seem to be a sucker for 'clean' art in the end. has got to do with a non existing work space as yet. i tell myself.
    your pieces look so promising. so dreamy too. ànd vintage!

  12. Kim I love all of these collages. You certainly have an affinity with nature, it is reflected in your beautiful, sympathetic collages.

    Thanks for popping by to say hi.

    Jacky xox

  13. Oh my goodness Kim...these are all so gorgeous...everything. I love how every time I come to your blog I feel like I am walking on a pretty nature trail.
