
Saturday, October 20, 2012


This weeks theme is leaves, which is one of my favourite things to create with.  I didn't have time to draw a new leaf picture, but I really enjoyed drawing this one a while ago.
If you have been a visitor to my blog, you may have see these leaves before. 

Some time ago I decided to try and make these over wintered leaves that were in the ditch by my home more interesting....

and this is how they ended up.  If you want to know how, you can read all about it here.

I then used them in making luminaries

Which I make out of tea bags and botanical bits.
And this week I have been enjoying an online art course with Roxanne, and have made these pages using some of my photographs of some fall/winter leaves. 
To see more LEAF creations just click on this link!


  1. just fallen in love with your luminaries,they must look super in the dark

    amazing what you do with leaves, exploring the possibilities, putting them in the spotlight in a special way,

    your last picture... an exotic fairy-tale, xx

  2. Your botanical creations are just so amazingly gorgeous!!!!! Ah! I have been dying to do something with the beautiful autumn leaves in my yard...reds, golds...hopefully this weekend. You've inspired me!

  3. those luminaries
    are beautiful!
    I remember making them
    when the kids were small
    hm... why don't I do those things anymore....

    happy weekend!

  4. Many souls can pass by fallen leaves laying in a ditch...leaves that are at the end stages of their life cycle...leaves that contribute to the overall grand scheme that is life, and not notice them. You stopped; noticed; thought; created; and have given us all luminaries to light our way. I cannot say enough how I loved this post Kim. And your new work~~~divine. I love the piece with the green frame. It makes me happy to look at it. Well I could go on and on (your photography skills, etc.) but will leave with an appreciative hug, Norma, x

  5. Wow you are talented ! I love the leaves and especially admire your drawing of leaves.

  6. ages ago I bought that edition of Green Craft just for your luminaries.... I didnt even click until just now that you made them!!!! Seems I have loved your botanical/nature art for a long time.
    Beautiful post and I love your latest pages for your art book.

    Jacky xox

  7. Kim, I did not know you are a mad scientist as well as a wonderful artist! Or maybe that is what all of us artists are at heart... those luminaries are really special. -sus

  8. You have such a lovely way with leaves, Kim!

  9. your leaf projekt is quite interesting, the results are wonderful! I think I'll try it with old gingko leaves!
    I love your luminaries - beautiful and romantic for the dark time of the year. and your last artwork: I love it!
    :-) mano

  10. The luminaries are exquisite and your drawings wonderful. I really enjoyed visiting your blog.

    Have a great weekend Helen :)

  11. aw, kim. your inspiration is quite endless here. what a process, and what an outcome! thank you for explaining how you did this. i thought of wax, but no! it is much simpler, if elaborate. but who cares... such exquisite beauties!!!

  12. Your luminaries are so so special. I hope to own one one day. It is amazing how you transformed those wintered leaves...they are vibrant again.

  13. Oh what a wonderful post, with all this phantastic ideas and pics - so inspiring - thank you. Really heart warming.

  14. Your leave creations are all wonderful. The lamp probably does a fantastic light. My favourite the last photo - great!
    Thank you for participating.

  15. I've been on a leaf bender myself, love what you are doing with them.
