
Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Note To Self

This year has been a challenging one for me, and creating has kept me balanced during many difficult times.  November has been exceptionally challenging, and I realized I hadn't worked in my journal all month.

So tonight I decorated a new page in my journal. 

and I wrote a note to myself. 
(On the days that are particularly hard - find a way to create and you will feel better)

I decorated the page with lino cuts I made and printed some time ago. 
Now  I will add some words to the page, and continue to remind myself to create every day!

Thursday, November 22, 2012


My daughters hockey team is having a silent auction fundraiser, and so I made a new picture to donate.
It is a mixed media piece created on a tea bag. 

I then added a white mat to go around it
and it is ready to go. 
I am also donating this hand made book  
and one of my necklaces with a handmade bezel I made that I filled with river rocks. 
While I was creating, I made this piece as well
That I put in a white mat....

and a frame, and hung it on my wall, where I have decided it will stay.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Finding Some Light

Life has held many difficult storms lately, and I needed to spend some time creating without thinking.  To create whatever was inside me that needed to come out.
I have a few boxes of left over bits and pieces of things I have made or worked with at different times that I used in the making of this piece
I thought I was making a collage that was going to be folded into an accordian book.
And soon the book turned into a larger collage on watercolour paper.

I added a white matt to it and thought it was finished.

After looking at it for a while I added a bit of shading around the eyes of the drawing of the girl.  I now think it is finished, but we will see in a while.
The storms although still there, are beginning to show some light. 

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Pendants From Old Bits

I have been wanting to make some more jewelry for a while, and finally got around to it.  These pendants have a piece of reclaimed metal on the back that I cut out of a piece of strapping metal. I filed them down, added a layer of paper out of an old book that I painted and stamped onto and then covered them with a layer of resin and wax. 

I usually make short necklaces, as I tend to wear those more than longer ones, but I have been noticing many lovely longer necklaces, so I added long pieces of chain (two types of chain) to these pendants.

This image does not show off the pendant well, as it has much more depth then you can see here.  I did want to show that you could wear the necklace long....

or if you wrap the chain twice around your neck before fastening it you can wear it as a short necklace as well.

I have a few other ones in the making that I will hang on a cord instead of a chain.... but I would love to know if you prefer to wear long necklaces or short ones!